Thursday, November 01, 2007

Westboro Baptist Church Stupid Again

Westboro Baptist Church is in the news again (surprise, surprise)...these guys love the press. They like to play the suffering victim (we are just doing what God told us, whoa is us), but it is pretty clear they love the national notoriety they have achieved. It likely feeds an institutional power idol where the more attention they receive, the more significant and important they feel.

If you haven't heard yet (surely you have), the church was found guilty of violating a father's rights when the protested his son's private funeral (they were protesting with signs like above because he was a soldier). I am all for free speech, but I was glad to hear that they were found guilty. Maybe the legal fees will sap some of the money out of their traveling budget and keep them from continuing to make a public mockery of Christ with their misrepresentation of the holiness of God.

Ironically, the papers they submitted to the court showed them as almost completely broke (the pastors daughter, a practicing lawyer, claims to have less than $400 to her name).

Is it any wonder that we see the theological error of universalism on the rise when you have ijits like this trying to become the public face of hell? It is a shame that the radical fundies of our noble faith continue to misrepresent Truth. Their misrepresentations of the Truth are then ingrained in the public mind as if it were the truth... what a shame.

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